Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Daily routine for better health

The below is a daily routine technique which keeps one to be active and healthy through out the day. 
Steps for the daily routine is illustrated below:

1. You should brush your teeth going to bed in the night.
2. The following things must be done as soon as you get up from the bed. i.e. even before washing your face{brushing, coffee, tea, water etc., must be had only after the following things are done].

a. Lie flat on your back on the floor. Don’t use any pillow, but may have a bed sheet.

b. Insert your index finger into the navel and find out whether you can feel any pulse just like the one in the wrist]. If there is pulse then your stomach is alright for that day. This you have to check-up daily followed by the other items. If you don’t feel any pulse then what to do?

Keep both the hands by the side of your body and the head down on the floor. Lift both the legs by 90o , It would be difficult to do it on the very first day itself.[ you are fortunate if you could do it on the very first day itself] So don’t worry if you could not do it on the first day itself. But, if you practice continuously you can achieve success. Now slowly bring both the legs down. While doing like this you can feel that the entire nervous system gets stretched from head to foot.

This exercise serves two purposes. 

i. This will give proper bowl movement. What bliss to have a good bowel movement in the morning, that itself will be refreshing? Isn’t it?
ii. The entire system of the body gets activated from the very beginning of the day. That is wonderful. This you have to do at least 10 times.

After this you can sit on a chair or sofa and do the rest of the things. 

1. Gently knock on all the 32 teeth’s with the tip of the fingers [start under the nose on the upper lip, come down to the lower lip, once again go back under the nose. This completes one cycle. Do it for at least 30 to 40 times]. The 32 teeth actually mean 32 energy cycles in our body. So if you lose one tooth you are losing one energy cycle in your body. So each tooth is very important to us. When you happen to visit the dentist next time please be careful. Even if the doctor advises you to remove a tooth try to avoid it as much as possible and try to live with your damaged teeth. You may avoid giving more work to that tooth.
2. The second one is, gently move your tongue, while keeping your mouth closed, in between the teeth and the cheek clockwise 10 times, anticlockwise 10 times. Saliva if produced now can be swallowed. It is a good antiseptic.[ It is for this purpose we have to clean the teeth before going to bed, so that we may not feel any embarrassment in swallowing saliva].
3. The third one, rub both the hands till you feel heat in your palm. Then close your face with both your hands and feel the heat. Do it 5 or 6 times.
4. Now gently encircle the eyes along the bones covering the eyes 10 times clockwise and 10 times anticlockwise.
After finishing these things you have to press the following acupressure
Points [at each point press for a minute as if you would draw water from a hand pump ], without taking your fingers. [Of course at each acupressure point you have to apply pressure with your fingers only. Thumb or index finger would be ideal for this job.]

The following acupressure points are to be pressed on both sides of the body.

First acupressure point
Fold your fore arm to 90o at the elbow and keep it horizontal in front of your body. You will see a folding at the elbow[ the joint between the fore arm and the back arm] At the end of the folding lies the acupressure point [ point number I] Pressing at this point helps to increase heat energy in our body. [Point number I]

Second acupressure point
Keep your fore leg straight at an angle of 90o [remember your sitting on a chair or sofa]. Now from the lower part of the knee bone, measure 3 cuns. [A cun means breadth of the thumb, which may vary from person to person. So you are measuring three times with your thumb.] Now just outside the central bone you will find a shallow portion and that is the point [the leg has the protruding long bone which joints at the ankle with the foot.] [Point number II]

Third acupressure point
Measure three cuns up from the ankle bone, this is the height, but the acupressure point is just behind the leg [the vein at the back of the leg, just opposite the central bone] Pressure it for a minute.[ point number III]
Fourth acupressure point

Measure two cuns up from the skin joining the first two fingers [thumb and the next finger] on the foot. [Point number IV]

Finally the waste created by the acupressure has to be transported to the kidney. For this we have to do the following,

Press at the centre of the palm on both the hands for a minute. Next press point number V, which is at the bottom of the foot. The point where the two muscle mounts separate [from the side of the toes]

The whole thing will take about 15 to 20 minutes. This will keep you through the day afresh and you will not easily become tired.

When you get accustomed to this you can spread this to your friends.

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