Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Here are eight Wellness Points

That can enhance your body's life force:

  1. CV 6 for detoxification and elimination - good for constipation and irritable bowel syndrome
  2. B 23 & B 47 benefits your lower back, kidneys and sexual uro-reproductive systems
  3. St 36 strengthens your metabolism, digestive functions and nuero-muscluar system
  4. LI 10 heightens energy flow in your upper body. Counteracts stress & chronic fatigue
  5. TW 5 is good for trauma, resistance to colds and flu, relieves wrist carpal tunnel pain
  6. K 3 relieves swollen, chronic fatigue, genital pain, bedwetting and sleep disorders
  7. TW 15 increases the resistance to colds and flu, reduces fevers and shoulder pain
  8. GV 24.5 balances the endocrine system, relieves ulcer pain, eyestrain and hay fever

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